Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of soft body tissues, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are many types of massage therapy methods.
Massage therapy has a variety of practical applications – to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and to promote overall health and wellness.

Principle Benefits of Massage Therapies:

What is trigger point therapy?
A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may produce referral pain in the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache.

Why use Alaska Health Improvement Center?
The reason is quite simple – our masseuse is trained in various massage therapies and works with the Doctor to support the musculo-skeletal system in detox, muscle repair, trigger point release and more. Our therapy ties into all we do. An experienced massage therapist contributes to our goal of you having a happy, healthy lifestyle.

Reduces muscular tension, spasm, and chronic pain

Breaks down adhesions within muscles, tendons, and ligaments

Reduces stiffness and swelling by clearing out waste products and toxins

Assists in recovery from injuries

Provides gentle stretching of the tissues and improves flexibility

An stimulate or soothes nerves

Improves postural problems

Improves lymph flow and blood circulation

Encourages endorphin release

Encourages relaxation and reduces stress

Improves self-esteem

A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may produce referral pain in the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache.

The reason is quite simple – our masseuse is trained in various massage therapies and works with the Doctor to support the musculo-skeletal system in detox, muscle repair, trigger point release and more. Our therapy ties into all we do. An experienced massage therapist contributes to our goal of you having a happy, healthy lifestyle.

Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of soft body tissues, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are many types of massage therapy methods.
Massage therapy has a variety of practical applications – to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and to promote overall health and wellness.

Principle Benefits of Massage Therapies:

What is trigger point therapy?

Why use Alaska Health Improvement Center?