alaska health improvement center

your health is your future

Book an appointment


You have one or more health conditions that won’t go away.

You have visited doctors, or even other health practitioners, but the results weren’t what you expected or hoped for.

Your health conditions are interfering with your life; affecting your vitality, career, family, personal finances, or even just the fun of life.

Your’re tired of treating symptoms and guessing “WHY “ your body isn’t getting well.

And no one has identified the root cause.

You have one or more health conditions that won’t go away.

You have visited doctors, or even other health practitioners, but the results weren’t what you expected or hoped for.

Your health conditions are interfering with your life; affecting your vitality, career, family, personal finances, or even just the fun of life.

Your’re tired of treating symptoms and guessing “WHY “ your body isn’t getting well.

And no one has identified the root cause.

The reason we are here is to help you get well and stay well by giving you the best.

By analyzing the body to find the hidden and root cause of your health issues, we are able to naturally correct it using the precision tools of Nutrition Response Testing®, Gonstead Chiropractic, Manual therapies, and lifestyle guidance.

We have been successfully preforming these practices for decades and have been able to witness to amazing benefits and successes for our clients.



By analyzing the body to find the true underlying cause of your health issues, we are able to naturally correct it using the precision tools of Nutrition Response Testing®, Gonstead Chiropractic, Manual therapies, and lifestyle guidance.

We have been successfully preforming these practices for decades and have been able to witness to amazing benefits and successes for our clients. You Can BE VIBRANT and totally LIVE life again.

You Can BE VIBRANT and totally LIVE life again.

Patient wins

Before: “I had significant stomach issues that don’t bother me now. I was prone to the flu and felt sick for a month before coming in. I wasn’t sure what I had or what was going on in my body.”

After: “Much better. I did miss a couple of weeks of the program and slipped back into a more negative mind set. Renewed determination to keep striving and doing better each new day.”

G. M.

Before: “Curiosity regarding optional living and life.”

After: “You’ve pulled me through crashing allergies and an emotional dive, both of which took me to my knees. the supplements you put me on began my strength starting as quick as the next day of taking them. I have not been sick since coming to see you which was 12 months ago.”

S. S.

Before: “I was always very tired and sluggish. I didn’t care what I ate as long as it was enjoyable to eat. Little did I know all those “enjoyable” foods were affecting my health.

After: “I’m slowly improving. My health and energy levels have improved for sure.”


Before: ” I was eating what I wanted, when I wanted. I didn’t care if I ate bad things in front of my kids. I told my kids I didn’t want to do something because I was tired or just being lazy.

After: “I am eating with care. I watch what I eat around my kids and make sure they are eating healthy too. I feel like I have more energy. I don’t give an excuse to not do something with my kids.


Before: ” I was an emotional basket case, with physical ailments any average 25 year old male shouldn’t experience. I was also quite worried that any Doctor/medical staff wouldn’t believe me or my symptoms and situation. I looked healthy enough, nut beneath the surface was a different story.”

After: “Literally night and day difference in about every aspect.” (Physical, emotional, and mental health.)”


Before: “I was really run down. I had been out of state for the past 7 months and got sick with allergies. Dr. Greg diagnosed and recommended the right supplements to overcome it.”

After: “100% better. I know the way to feel better is to do what Dr. Greg and his staff tell us.”

S. B.

Before: “Very gassy and bloated. I was addicted to sugar and wasn’t making healthy choices. I was unable to lose weight without restriction and was very irritable around unhealthy choices”

After: “Things are better; I’m rarely gassy or bloated and I’m able to stay away from sugar by keeping it out of the house. I’m now eating Paleo recipes, losing weight, and I’m rarely irritable”


Before:“ I was not feeling very good in general; I was emotional all the time, I was gaining weight, I had headaches, I got sick very easily, and I wasn’t sleeping”

After: Now my general health is good. I feel just fine getting up in the mornings, my headaches have decreased, and I sleep better when I do sleep”


Before: “I had chronic ingestion and abdominal pain, chest pain, stress, and was irritable with mood swings”

After: “I feel better. I can eat and my stomach doesn’t hurt. I feel more social and friendly. I am so grateful for the changes”


Before: “I was a mess. I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep”

After: “I am learning more about the foods so I am making better food choices. I took out a gym membership and I’m getting better by accepting the good and bad choices I make, just still a work in progress”

S. B.